Awalt High School
Class of 1969 | 55th Class Reunion
On Saturday, August 10, 2024 the Awalt Class of 1969 will celebrate our 55th Class Reunion at the Blue Pheasant Restaurant, Cupertino
Sheldon of Los Altos, our official photographer will be there to take great photos, including our traditional group photo!
Friends, food and fun!
The reunion committee needs your current contact information now. Do not assume we have it. Please include first name, last/maiden name, address, cell phone, and email address.
Please send all contact information to:
Even if you cannot come to our 55th class reunion, we still need your current contact information to keep you posted about all upcoming events plus anything having to do with the Awalt Class of 1969.
All information will be kept confidential and will only be used by the reunion committee. No information will be given out or sold.
Thank you for your prompt response.
Go Spartans!